Wednesday, February 21, 2018

SIVIILIMURHA / ULCERRHOEA "Saatanen Split" EP [Melophobia Records/Rescued From Life Records/Vulgar Records/Malignant Horst Tapes/Vitun Äpärät Records, 2002]

I've uploaded this purely for SIVIILIMURHA, don't get me wrong, ULCERRHOEA are great. But their brand of well executed grindcore just isn't for me to get excited about. Any fan of grindcore will like it well enough, but it doesn't stand out to me in any particular way. For some really great raw and lo-fi grindcore, check out my post on BRUTAL DEATH. 

But yeah, SIVIILIMURHA. They are a one man project of Sami Kettunen in Finland, a prolific artist who's been involved in the death metal, black metal, hardcore-punk scenes forever. SIVIILIMURHA is the best of ultra early proto Finnish hardcore and noisecore wrapped up into one obnoxious package. The vocals sound like he was holding his noise for the entirety of their delivery. Musically this is a perfect blend of inept, stupid music and fuzzy noisecore. Think of the first two TERVEET KADET EPs mixed with KUOLEMA's tape released in 1984 and you'll have a good approximation for SIVIILIMURHA's sonic absurdities. They also released a split with AGATHOCLES and UNDER THREAT that are equally as good, as well as their EP entitled "Tolkuton Tuho". They later became more of a traditional noisecore band with poor sounding so-shitty-it-sounds-computer-made drums. I still need to track down and hear their tracks on this comp LP called "Saastaa Suomesta II" that I think are in this latter but equally as good style. I think SIVIILIMURHA is one of my most favorite stupid-noise bands ever.

dl link:

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